Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Treatment For Pubic Lice Infection

Most of us are familiar with the infection of pubic lice. These lice belong to the group of parasites that dwells on the body fluid of human beings. These creatures are found in the genital regions of both ladies and gents. A large number of people are found affected by this infection. Mostly, children are not prone to this. Provided they are not exposed to sexual misuse or such sexual pursuits. It is because there is a chance for them to get affected by it.
Getting into unhealthy sexual contacts is one of the main reasons for the propagation of the infection. There remains another risk like with the use of the same towels, linens and outfits. There exists a falsehood to the cause of such Sexually Transmitted Diseases that there is a chance for the infection to be caught with the utilization of the same lavatory seat. But it is an absurd argument since those crabs don't have such specialized legs so that they could sling on to a toilet seat.
Rigorous scratch and annoyance being experienced in the pubic area is a sure indication for the infection. Within a few days the area is found to have a grayish blue coloration and certain scratching sores. Make it a point that you keep away from sexual contact since this Sexually Transmitted Disease could be transferred to the spouse.
If you are doubted that you are affected with this STD, check for those nits, nymphs and mature crabs around the pubic hairs. If necessary, make use of a microscope for verification. If they are found, a detailed checking is necessary for the other family members and should opt for the best medical treatment.
There are a variety of treatments available for this STD. Commonly preferred items are Permethrin 1 % cream wash and Pyrethrins. The usage is quite simple that you only need to apply them on the surface and sponge down and cleanse after ten minutes. It is very essential to cut off the hairs on pubic area and make it a point that you swap your bed sheets frequently.
The next set of pubic-lice treatment is the usage of lindane shampoo. It is not preferred much because of the adverse effects caused by it. Results have proved that the proper administration of the lindane shampoo will not affect badly, in fact, it is tremendously useful.
Before going for the pubic lice treatment, you should ensure that all your clothes are cleansed and made dirt free in hot water. For those materials that cannot be washed, shower it with medicated spray and enclose them in plastic covers. Care should be taken for not using them for about some weeks.
It is always better not to engage in sexual contact with the person affected with the STD's of this sort. Ensure that you clean your pubic area frequently. All these measures are sufficient enough to help you lead a STD-free life. For, Prevention is better that Cure.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3741536

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